邮箱: yixiao@tongji.edu.cn
2024.11 - 至今 同济大学,结构防灾减灾工程系,助理教授
2021.07 - 2024.11 同济大学,结构防灾减灾工程系,博士后
2018.09 - 2020.09 华盛顿大学(西雅图),结构工程,联培博士,导师:Marc O. Eberhard, John F. Stanton
2015.09 - 2021.06 同济大学,土木工程,博士,导师:周颖
2011.09 - 2015.07 同济大学,土木工程,学士
国际期刊《Resilient Cities and Structures》主编助理
Zhou Y, Bai H, Xiao Y*. Seismic reliability of low-prestressed self-centering braces considering steel dissipater fracture[J]. Engineering Structures, 2025, 329: 119816.
Xiao Y, Tian W, Zhou Y. Experiment investigation of viscoelastic low-prestressed self-centering braces[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2024, 150(8): 04024097.
Zhou Y, Liu X, Xiao Y*. Experimental study and constitutive model for viscoelastic damper with frequency independency[J]. Structures, 2024, 60: 105960.
Zhou Y, Tian W, Xiao Y*, Eberhard MO, Stanton JF. An equivalent damping ratio that accounts for ground-motion spectral shape for displacement-based design of flag-shaped hysteresis systems[J]. Earthquake Spectra, 2023, 39(3): 1779-1809.
Zhou Y, Liu X, Xiao Y*, Wu H, Wang M. Seismic design and engineering practice of a ten-story shear wall structure with replaceable viscoelastic coupling beam[J]. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2023, 32(8-9): e2010.
Sebaq MS, Zhou Y, Song G, Xiao Y*. Plastic energy evaluation of bilinear SDOF systems equipped with fluid viscous dampers[J]. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2023, 32(10): e2011.
Xiao Y, Eberhard MO, Zhou Y, Stanton JF, Shen J. Experimental investigation of a low-prestressed self-centering energy dissipative brace[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2022, 51(6): 1457-1476.
Xiao Y, Eberhard MO, Zhou Y, Stanton JF, Shen J. Low-prestressing, self-centering energy dissipative brace[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2022, 51(12): 2837-2857.
Zhou Y, Tian W, Xiao Y*. Design recommendations for self-centering buckling restrained braces[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273: 115019.
Zhou Y, Sebaq MS, Xiao Y*. Energy dissipation demand and distribution for multi-story buildings with fluid viscous dampers[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 253: 113813.
Xiao Y, Eberhard MO, Zhou Y, Stanton JF. Proportioning of self-centering energy dissipative braces[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2021, 50(10): 2613-2633.
Xiao Y, Zhou Y, Huang Z. Efficient direct displacement-based seismic design approach for structures with viscoelastic dampers[J]. Structures, 2021, 29: 1699-1709.
Zhou Y, Zhong G, Xiao Y*. Experimental and numerical study on the seismic performance of steel-polyvinyl alcohol hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete shear walls[J]. Structural Concrete, 2020, 1-20.
Zhou Y, Xiao Y, Gu A, Zhong G, Feng S. Orthogonal experimental investigation of steel-PVA fiber-reinforced concrete and its uniaxial constitutive model[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 197: 615-625.
周颖, 赵佳美, 肖意*. 基于不同评价标准的屈曲约束支撑-钢框架建筑抗震韧性评价研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2022, 44(4): 204-215.
肖意, 周颖, 吴浩, 潘鹏, 王涛. GB/T 38591-2020《建筑抗震韧性评价标准》与国际相关标准对比研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2021, 42(7): 194-202.
周颖, 申杰豪, 肖意. 自复位耗能支撑研究综述与展望[J]. 建筑结构学报,2021, 42(10): 1-13.
周颖, 肖意, 顾安琪. 自复位耗能支撑-摇摆框架结构体系及其基于位移抗震设计方法[J]. 建筑结构学报,2019, 40(10): 17-26.
发明专利,低预应力自复位耗能支撑, 专利号: ZL201811248386.2
发明专利,转动型自复位耗能装置, 专利号: ZL201810314164.X
发明专利,混杂纤维混凝土及其制备方法与应用, 专利号: ZL201811207141.5
实用新型专利,自复位黏弹性支撑, 专利号: ZL202121553532.X.
实用新型专利,单向夹具传力低预应力自复位耗能支撑, 专利号: ZL202020173875.2
实用新型专利,低预应力自复位耗能支撑, 专利号: ZL201821734169.X
实用新型专利,一种面外释放应力的阻尼器装置, 专利号: ZL201821717940.2
软件著作权,混杂纤维混凝土配合比设计与本构关系计算软件[TJ-HyFRC], 登记号: 2017SR034478