Ph.D, Associate Professor
Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures,
College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University.
1239 Siping Road, Yangpu, Shanghai 200092, China
Dr. Zhang graduated from Tongji University in 2012 with a PhD in civil engineering. After graduation he was a post-doctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and Tohoku University. He had extensive industry experience prior to joining the Tongji University in 2015, at which he is currently an Associate Professor in the College of Civil Engineering. His main research interests are structure seismic safety and intelligent disaster prevention structure with a special focus on inerter system. Dr. Zhang Ruifu has been consistently recognized as one of the world's top 2% scientists in the Stanford University's global ranking of top scientists and has also been listed among the top 0.5% scholars globally by ScholarGPS.
Dr. Zhang plans to recruit 1-2 scholarship-funded master or doctoral students in 2025.
Research interests:
Selected Journal Papers:
Zhang RF, Cao YR, Dai KS. Response control of wind turbines with ungrounded tuned mass inerter system (TMIS) under wind loads. Wind and Structures. 2021, 6(32).
Zhang RF, Wu MJ, Lu WS, Li X, Lu XL. Seismic retrofitting of a historic building by using an isolation system with a weak restoring force. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 148: 106836.
Jia YQ, Wang C, Zhang RF, Li LZ, Lu ZD. A double shape memory alloy damper for structural vibration control. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2021.
Wang W, Song JL, Su SQ, Cai HL, Zhang RF. Experimental and numerical studies of an axial tension-compression corrugated steel plate damper. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 2021(163): 107498.
Zhang RF, Zhang LQ, Pan C, Chen QJ, Wang YC. Generating high spectral consistent endurance time excitations by a modified time-domain spectral matching method[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 145: 106708.
Peng Q, Wu H, Zhang RF, Fang Q. Numerical simulations of base-isolated LNG storage tanks subjected to large commercial aircraft crash. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 2021(163): 107660.
Wang W, Song JL, Su SQ, Cai HL, Zhang RF. Experimental and numerical studies of an axial tension-compression corrugated steel plate damper. Thin-Walled Structures. 2021, 2021(163): 107498.
Zhang L, Xue ST, Zhang RF*, Xie LY, Hao LF. Simplified multimode control of seismic response of high-rise chimneys using distributed tuned mass damper inerter systems (TMIS). Engineering Structures. 2021, 228:111550. https://10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111550
Zhang RF*, Wu MJ, Pan C, Ren XX. Seismic response reduction of elastoplastic structures with inerter system. Engineering Structures. 2021. https://10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111661
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Pan C, Chen QJ, Jiang YY. Input energy reduction principle of structures with generic tuned mass damper inerter. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 2020:2644.
Xue ST, Kang JF, Xie LY, Zhang RF, Ban XL. Cross-layer installed cable-bracing inerter system for MDOF structure seismic response control. Applied Sciences. 2020:10.
Zhao ZP, Chen QJ, Zhang RF, Jiang YY, Pan C. A negative stiffness inerter system (NSIS) for earthquake protection purposes. Smart Structures and Systems. 2020:26:481-93.
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF, Wierschem NE, Jiang YY, Pan C. Displacement mitigation-oriented design and mechanism for inerter-based isolation system. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2020.
Domenico D D, Ricciardi G, Zhang RF. Recent advances in the design of structures with passive energy dissipation systems. Applied Sciences. 2020, 10(8).
Zhao ZP, Chen QJ, Zhang RF*, Pan C, Jiang YY. Energy dissipation mechanism of inerter systems. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020(184): 105845.
Zhao ZP, Chen QJ, Zhang RF*, Jiang YY, Xia YY. Interaction of two adjacent structures coupled by inerter-based system considering soil conditions. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2020.
Domenico D D, Ricciardi G, Zhang RF. Optimal design and seismic performance of tuned fluid inerter applied to structures with friction isolators. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 132: 106099.
Dai KS, Luo X, Lu Y, Li B, Zhong J, Zhang SM, Zhang RF, et al. Seismic collision potential of adjacent base-isolated buildings with corridor bridges subjected to bidirectinal near-fault pulse-like ground motions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020:135.
Zhang RF, Zhao ZP, Pan C, Ikago K, Xue S. Damping enhancement principle of inerter system. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 2020: e2523.
Xie LY, Zhang L, Pan C, Zhang RF*, Chen T. Uniform damping ratio-based design method for seismic retrofitting of elastoplastic RC structures using viscoelastic dampers. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 128(128): 105866.
Jiang YY, Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, De Domenico D, Pan C. Optimal design based on analytical solution for storage tank with inerter isolation system. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 129: 105924.
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Jiang YY, De Domenico D, Pan C. Displacement-dependent damping inerter system for seismic response control. Applied Sciences. 2020, 10(1).
Hu XY, Zhang RF, Ren XS, Pan C, Zhang X, Li H. Simplified design method for structure with viscous damper based on the specified damping distribution pattern. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
Chen QJ, Zhao ZP, Xia YY, Pan C, Luo H, Zhang RF*. Comfort based floor design employing tuned inerter mass system. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2019(458): 143-157.
Zhao ZP, Chen QJ, Zhang RF*, Pan C, Jiang YY. Optimal design of an inerter isolation system considering the soil condition[J]. Engineering Structures. 2019, 196: 109324.
Jia YQ, Li L, Wang C, Lu ZD, Zhang RF*. A novel shape memory alloy damping inerter for vibration mitigation. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019, 28: 115002.
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Jiang YY, Pan C. A tuned liquid inerter system for vibration control. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019, 164: 105171.
Shen H, Zhang RF*, Weng DG, Ge QZ, Wang C, Islam M M. Design method of structural retrofitting using viscous dampers based on elastic–plastic response reduction curve. Engineering Structures. 2019.
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Jiang YY, Pan C. Seismic response mitigation of structures with a friction pendulum inerter system. Engineering Structures 2019; 193: 110-120.
Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Lu Z. A particle inerter system for structural seismic response mitigation. Journal of the Franklin Institute 2019;
Zhang RF*, Zhao ZP, Dai KS. Seismic response mitigation of a wind turbine tower using a tuned parallel inerter mass system.Engineering Structures 2019; 180: 29-39.
Zhang L, Su MZ, Zhang C, Shen H, Islama MM, Zhang RF*. A design method of viscoelastic damper parameters based on the elastic-plastic response reduction curve.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2019; 117: 149-163.
Zhang RF*, Zhao ZP, Pan C. Influence of mechanical layout of inerter systems on seismic mitigation of storage tanks.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2018; 144: 639-649.
Zhang RF*, Wang C, Pan C, Shen H, Ge QZ, Zhang LQ. Simplified design of elastoplastic structures with metallic yielding dampers based on the concept of uniform damping ratio.Engineering Structures 2018; 176: 734-745.
Pan C, Zhang RF*, Luo H, Shen H. Target-based algorithm for baseline correction of inconsistent vibration signals.Journal of Vibration and Control 2018; 24(12): 2562-2575.
Pan C, Zhang RF*, Luo H, Li C, Shen H. Demand-based optimal design of oscillator with parallel-layout viscous inerter damper.Structural Control & Health Monitoring 2018; 25(1).
Pan C, Zhang RF*. Design of structure with inerter system based on stochastic response mitigation ratio.Structural Control & Health Monitoring 2018; 25(6).
Hao LF, Zhang RF*, Jin K. Direct design method based on seismic capacity redundancy for structures with metal yielding dampers.Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 2018; 47(2): 515-534.
Chen QJ, Zhao ZP, Zhang RF*, Pan C. Impact of soil-structure interaction on structures with inerter system.Journal of Sound and Vibration 2018; 433: 1-5.
Shen H, Zhang RF*, Weng DG, Gao C, Luo H, Pan C. Simple design method of structure with metallic yielding dampers based on elastic–plastic response reduction curve.Engineering Structures2017; 150: 98-114.
Pan C, Zhang RF*, Luo H, Shen H. Simplified variational iteration method for solving ordinary differential equations and eigenvalue problems.Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2016; 8(11).
Pan C, Zhang RF*, Luo H, Shen H. Baseline correction of vibration acceleration signals with inconsistent initial velocity and displacement.Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2016; 8(10).
Luo H, Zhang RF*, Weng DG. Mitigation of liquid sloshing in storage tanks by using a hybrid control method.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2016; 90: 183-195.
Hao LF, Zhang RF*. Structural safety redundancy-based design method for structure with viscous dampers.Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2016; 59(5): 821-840.
Zhang RF*, Weng DG, Ge QZ. Shaking table experiment on a steel storage tank with multiple friction pendulum bearings.Structural Engineering and Mechanics2014; 52(5): 875-887.
Zhang RF*, Weng DG. Assessment of the seismic effect of insulation on extra-large cryogenic liquid natural gas storage tanks.Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 2014; 30: 9-20.
Zhang RF*, He H, Weng D, Zhou H, Ding S. Theoretical analysis and experimental research on toggle-brace-damper system considering different installation modes.Scientia Iranica 2012; 19(6): 1379-1390.
Zhang RF*, Weng DG, Ren XS. Seismic analysis of a LNG storage tank isolated by a multiple friction pendulum system.Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 2011; 10(2): 253-262.