Lingzhi LI

PhD, Associate Professor, Supervisor, Class 1 Registered Structural Engineer, Registered Geotechnical Engineer

Major: Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Intelligent Construction

DOB :  May, 1980 (in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, PR China)


ADD :  B407, Faculty of Civil Engg. Tongji Univ. 1239 Siping Rd. Shanghai, 200092

TEL :   +86-21-65981431

Brief introduction:

Dr Li, Ling-zhi is an associate professor at the College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University. He received his Bachelor and MPhil degrees from Tongji University in 2003 and 2006 respectively, and got his PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2013. He had been serving for 4 years in the industry, as a Class 1 Registered Structural Engineer for Shanghai Tongji Architectural Design Institute, and as a project engineer for AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. (HK). Dr Li's major research interest is the fire resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, the inspection, evaluation, renovation, and retrofitting of existing RC structures, and the development and implementation of high performance concrete materials. Dr Li has finished or been working on 8 research grants as the PI or Co-I, participated in the compilation of a code of practise, published a book, 50+ SCI papers, and 10+ EI papers, and completed more than 100 projects related to design of newly built structures, inspection and strengthening of dilapidated or fire-damaged old buildings.

Education & work experience:

  • 2018-present, Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, Tongji University, Associate Professor

  • 2014-2018,  Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, Tongji University, Assitant Professor

  • 2013-2014,  AECOM Asia Company Limted (Hong Kong), Project Engineer

  • 2009-2013,  University of Hong Kong, Civil Engineering, PhD. (Supervisor: Prof. SH Lo & RKL Su)

  • 2006-2009,  Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University, Structural Engineer

  • 2003-2006,  Tongji University, Structural Engineering, M.Sc.(Eng.) (Supervisor: Prof. Lu, Zhou-dao)

  • 1999-2003,  Tongji University, Civil Engineering, B.Sc.(Eng.)

Research Interests:

  1. Fire resistance of reinforced concrete structures

  2. Strengthening and retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures

  3. Development and implementation of high performance concrete materials

  4. Inspection and damage evaluation of existing structures

Current Research Projects:

  1. Shear resistance of post-installed adhesive connection under high temperature

  2. Flexural and shear performance of the fire-exposed RC beams retrofitted by boled side-plating (BSP)

  3. Seismic performance of the RC frame joint retrofitted by bolted side-plating (BSP)

  4. Damage evolution mechanism of self-centering concrete beam-column joints under earthquake and subsequent fire

  5. Application of ultimate high performance engineered cementitious composites (UHP-ECC)

Research Grants:

  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52278519, 560,000 CNY): Fire resistance mechanism of low-carbon and lightweight ECC-concrete superimposed slabs, 2023-2026, Principal Investigator

  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51778496, 610,000 CNY): Strengthening mechanism of bolting steel to fire-damaged reinforced concrete beam-column joints, 2018-2021, Principal Investigator

  3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51408436, 250,000 CNY): Shear resistance mechanism of post-installed adhesive connection under high temperature, 2015-2017, Principal Investigator

  4. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 0200219229, 200,000 CNY): Thermal damage and control mechanism of heat-resistant structural adhesive, 2017-2019, Principal Investigator

  5. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 0100219162, 200,000 CNY): Localization of western architectural and structural technology in modern Shanghai, 2015-2017, Principal Investigator

  6. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (100,000 CNY): Study on the bucking of steel plates in bolted-side-plated beams, 2014-2016, Principal Investigator

  7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51778497, 620,000 CNY): Damage evolution mechanism of self-centering concrete beam-column joints under the coupling effect of earthquake and subsequent fire, 2018-2021, Co-Investigator

  8. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51378397, 800,000 CNY): Study on shear mechanism and residual shear strength of concrete structures after fire, 2014-2017, Co-Investigator

  9. Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC HKU7166/08E, 585,109 HKD): A generic displacement-based approach for designing plated concrete beams with bolt connections, 2013-2015, Participant

  10. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50578126, 260,000 CNY): Study on damage mechanism and evaluation method of concrete structures after fire, 2007-2010, Participant


(A)  Books

  1. LZ Li*. Test, simulation and design of bolted- side- plated reinforced concrete beams. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2017.05.

(B)  SCI Papers

  1. LZ Li, ZW Cai, KQ Yu*, YX Zhang, Y Ding. Performance-based design of all-grade strain hardening cementitious composites with compressive strengths from 40 MPa to 120 MPa. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2019; 97(4): 202-17.

  2. LZ Li, X Liu, JT Yu*, ZD Lu, MN Su, JH Liao, M Xia. Experimental study on seismic performance of post-fire reinforced concrete frames.  Engineering Structures. 2019; 179(1): 161-73.

  3. LZ Li, ZL Wu, JT Yu*, X Wang, JX Zhang, ZD Lu. Numerical simulation of the shear capacity of bolted side-plated RC beams. Engineering Structures. 2018; 171(9): 373-84.

  4. KQ Yu, LZ Li, JT Yu*, JZ Xiao, JH Ye, YC Wang. Feasibility of using ultra-high ductility cementitious composites for concrete structures without steel rebar. Engineering Structures. 2018; 170(9): 11-20.

  5. LZ Li*, ZW Cai, ZD Lu, XL Zhang. Shear performance of bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Engineering Structures. 2017; 144(8): 73-87.

  6. L Wang, RKL Su*, B Cheng, LZ Li, L Wan, ZW San. Seismic behavior of preloaded rectangular RC columns strengthened with precambered steel plates under high axial load ratios. Engineering Structures. 2017; 152(12): 683-697.

  7. LZ Li, CJ Jiang, LJ Jia, ZD Lu*. Local buckling of bolted steel plates with different stiffener configuration. Engineering Structures. 2016; 119(7): 186-197.

  8. RKL Su*, LZ Li, SH Lo. Shear transfer in bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Engineering Structures. 2013; 56(11): 1372-1383.

  9. JT Yu, KK Liu, LZ Li*, YC Wang, KQ Yu, QF Xu. A simplified method to predict the fire resistance of RC Beams strengthened with near-surface mounted CFRP. Composite Structures. 2018; 193(6):1-7.

  10. KQ Yu, LZ Li, JT Yu*, YC Wang, JH Ye, QF Xu. Direct tensile properties of engineered cementitious composites: a review. Construction and Building Materials, 2018; 165: 346-362.

  11. SH Lo, LZ Li*, RKL Su. Optimization of partial interaction in bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Computers & Structures. 2014; 131(1): 70-80.

  12. LZ Li, X Liu, Y Luo*, MN Su, JH Zhu. Flexural performance of bolted-side-plated RC beams with buckling restraining. ACI Structural Journal. 2019; 116(2): 77-87.

  13. CJ Jiang, ZD Lu, LZ Li*. Shear performance of fire-damaged reinforced concrete beams repaired by a bolted side-plating technique. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE). 2017; 143(5): 04017007.

  14. CJ Jiang, JT Yu, LZ Li*, X Wang, L Wang, JH Liao, Experimental study on the residual shear capacity of fire-damaged reinforced concrete frame beams and cantilevers. Fire Safety Journal. 2018; 100(9): 140-156.

  15. LZ Li*, CJ Jiang, RKL Su, SH Lo. Design of bolted side-plated RC beams with partial interaction. ICE - Structures and Buildings. 2016; 169(2): 81-95. (SCI, Finalist - R&D Award of Structural Excellence Award 2017, HKIE)

  16. Liu X, Lu ZD, LZ Li*. The use of bolted side plates for shear strengthening of RC beams: A review. Sustainability. 2018; 10(12): 4658.

  17. JT Yu, YC Wang, KL Zhan, LZ Li*, KQ Yu. Using XFEM to model the effect of different axial compression on the hysteretic behaviour of the flexure-dominant RC columns.
    The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 2018: e1465

  18. LZ Li, CJ Jiang*, RKL Su, SH Lo. A piecewise linear transverse shear transfer model for bolted side-plated beams. Structural Engineering Mechanics. 2017; 62(4): 443-453.

  19. XL Xu, ZD Lu, LZ Li*, CJ Jiang. Numerical study on the local buckling behaviour of bolted steel plates in steel jacketing. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017; 1352084.

  20. LF Zhang, WQ Liu, GQ Sun, L Wang*, LZ Li. Two-dimensional modeling of thermo-mechanical responses of rectangular GFRP profiles exposed to fire.
    Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2017; 1705915.

  21. KL Su, LZ Li*, SH Lo. Longitudinal partial interaction in bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2014; 17(7): 921-936.

  22. LZ Li, SH Lo, RKL Su*. Experimental study of moderately reinforced concrete beams strengthened with bolted-side steel plates. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2013; 16(3): 499-516.

  23. WY Lam, LZ Li, RKL Su*, HJ Pam. Behaviour of plate anchorage in plate-reinforced composite coupling beams. The Scientific World Journal. 2013; 190430.

(C)   EI Papers

  1. CJ Jiang, ZD Lu, LZ Li*, B.Z. Liu. Experimental study on shear performance of bolted-side plated strengthening fire-damaged reinforced concrete beams. Journal of Building Structures. 2017; 38(3): 67-75. (EI, In Chinese).

  2. CJ Jiang, ZD Lu, LZ Li*, L. Su. Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of Fire-damaged RC Beams Strengthened by Bolted Side-Plating. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science). 2017; 45(12): 1755-1764. (EI, In Chinese).

  3. ZD Lu, XL Xu, QB Hang, LZ Li*, L. Su. Numerical simulation of buckling of steel plates in bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science). 2017; 45(1): 1-8. (EI, In Chinese).

  4. X Liu, ZD Lu, ZW Cai, LZ Li*. Post-fire shear performance of bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science). 2018; 52(5): 853-863.

  5. ZW Cai, ZD Lu, LZ Li*, L. Su. Test for shear performance of bolted-side plated beams. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science). 2018, 52(1): 1-7. (EI, In Chinese).

  6. ZW Cai, ZD Lu, LZ Li*. Numerical simulation of longitudinal and transverse slips in bolted-side plated RC beams based on ATENA. Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). 2017; 48(12): 3316-3327. (EI, In Chinese).

  7. LZ Li*, CJ Jiang, ZD Lu, RKL Su. Transfer model of transverse shear in bolted side-plated reinforced concrete beams. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences). 2016; 43(3): 113-119. (EI, In Chinese).

  8. LZ Li, XL Zhang, CJ Jiang, ZD Lu*. Experimental study on local buckling of steel plates in bolted-side plated beams. Journal of Huazhong University of Science & Technology (Natural Sciences Edition). 2016; 44(10): 41-46. (EI, In Chinese).

(D)   Conference Papers and Presentations:

  1. LZ Li*, Y Bai, L Su, JT Yu, ZD Lu. Experimental study on reinforced concrete beams after fire repaired by bolted side-plating. 10th International conference on short and medium span bridges. 2018; Quebec City, Canada. (Chairman of Session: Rehabilitaion and Seismic Retrofit)

  2. LZ Li, X Liu, ZD Lu, K Wei. Seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames after fire. 10th International conference on structures in fire. 2018; 909-916, Belfast, UK. (Keynote speech)

  3. RKL Su, LZ Li*. The use of bolted side plates for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Structural Division Annual Seminar. 2018; Hong Kong, China. (Keynote speech)

  4. RKL Su, LZ Li*. Strengthening of concrete structures by bolting of steel plates.Hong Kong Concrete Institute Annual Seminar. 2013; Hong Kong, China. (Keynote speech).

  5. ZW Cai, LZ Li, CJ Jiang, X Liu, ZD Lu. Experimental study on reinforced concrete beams after elevated temperature repaired by bolted-side plating technique. 8th National forum on seismic strengthening and reconstruction technology. 2017; Jinan Chian. (Plenary speech).

  6. G. Luo, ZD Lu, LZ Li*. Shear performance of concrete beam after exposure to high temperature. 13th National forum on building detection and retrofitting. 2016; 172-176; Chengdu, China. (Distinguished paper of the conference).

  7. LZ Li*, RKL Su, SH Lo, ZD Lu. Bolted-side plating for strengthening of moderately reinforced concrete beams. 12th National forum on building detection and retrofitting. 2014; Guangzhou, China.(Plenary speech)

Hitherto, Dr Li, Ling-zhi has published more than 60 papers, in addition to the aforementioned, there are another several Chinese journals andconference papers.

Consultancy Projects:

(A)  Building Detection and Retrofitting:

  1. Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 2 Expansion, Sep 2013.

  2. Hong Kong MTR TST Station Entrance A1 Enhancement Works, Aug 2013.

  3. Retrofitting of Sin Fong Garden in Macau, Oct 2012.

  4. Detection and retrofitting of the old tower of Wuxi TV Station, Aug 2005.

  5. Retrofitting of the outdoor switching truss of Wenzhou Power Station, Apr 2005.

  6. Rebuilding of the office building of China Unicom at Wenzhi Road in Shanghai, Dec 2004.

  7. Rebuilding of the office building of Shanghai Sanbai Shopping Mall, Oct 2004.

  8.       ……

(B)  Structural Design:

  1. Malawi International Conference Centre & Business Hotel, 12-storey frame-shearwall hotel structure, Apr 2009.

  2. Yihai Star Town in Changsha, four 18~22-storey buildings sharing the same civil air defence underground garage, Dec 2008.

  3. Sunshine Euro City in Shanghai, a series of blockish style villas, Oct 2008.

  4. Yuncheng Prison in Shangdong, a 6-storey frame dormitory structure, Sep 2008.

  5. Ice Hockey Hall & Indoor Natatorium of Shanghai Sanlin Sports Centre, a 5-storey stadium, Aug 2008.

  6. Nanjing Tianhua Villa Garden, a series of 20plus-storey residential buildings sharing the same underground garage, May 2008.

  7. Zhangzhou Sports Stadium, a 4-storey frame stadium with steel space-truss roof, concept design, Mar 2008.

  8.       ……

Hitherto, Dr Li, Ling-zhi has finished more than 50 consultancy projects.

MPhil candidate vacancies are available!

All interested students are encouraged to contact by email!