Sergio Reyes
2021.04 – 2024.10, Doctor of Sciences (ETH Zürich).
2017.03 - 2019.03, Master in Engineering Sciences (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
2012.03 - 2016.12, Bachelor of Engineering Sciences (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
2025.03 - Present, Assistant Professor (Department of Structural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Tongji University).
2019.08 – 2021.12, Lecturer (Diego Portales University).
2019.03 – 2021.03, Research Assistant (CIGIDEN: Research Center for Integrated Disaster Risk Management).
03.2020 - 12.2020 Assistant Lecturer (Structural Engineering department, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
05.2017 - 08.2021, Teacher of mathematics (PACE UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
03.2017 - 12.2018, Remote Part-Time Project Engineer (PROYEST Structural Projects, Guatemala).
Structural dynamics.
Constitutive modeling of elastomers and soft materials.
Vibration control devices (seismic isolation and energy dissipation).
Earthquake protection systems for low-mass structures.
Dynamic vibration analysis and monitoring of an electrical cabinet on a mining truck (DICTUC S.A., Chile).
Design verification of stainless-steel liquid storage tanks (Eurocalder S.A., Spain).
Development and analysis of a seismic isolation system for slender circuit breaker (Siemens, Chile & Germany).
Development and testing of an earthquake protection system for wine storage tanks (ISOVEP, Chile).
2023.05 – 2024.11, Reusing tennis balls for seismic isolation, ETH4D Research Challenges Project. (Participant).
2021.01 – 2023.12, Analysis, design, and experimentation of solutions to mitigate the effects of impact forces on structures and equipment with two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic isolation systems, National Research Funding Competition Fondecyt Regular 1201841. (Participant).
2023.09 – 2023.12, A low-cost seismic isolation system for Cuba: Challenges and opportunities. Joint Collaboration between Cuba and Switzerland, ETH4D Research to Action Grant. (PI).
2020.01 – 2021.06, Industrial Solutions for Operational Vibrations and Earthquake Protection, Valorization of Research in University - FONDEF VIU19E0130, Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo. (PI).
2024 -ASSISi Global Design & Innovation Awards, Research category (ASSISi, Anti-Seismic Systems International Society)
2024 - Top 10% most downloaded article (Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Journal)
2019 - Winner of Global UC Award (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
2018 - 1st place poster award (Engineering Student Congress PUC-USTM)
2018 - Finalist venture competition program award (Brain Chile, UC Innovation Center Anacleto Angelini)
2017 - 1st place nationwide Chile (Bain & Company Strategic Challenge South America Award)
2007 - 2nd place in the Nationwide (CMAT School Mathematics Championship award)
2021 - E4D Doctoral Scholarship (Engineering for Development, ETH Zürich)
2020 - Fulbright Scholarship [declined by grantee] (Fulbright Equal Opportunities Scholarship Program, Chile).
2012 - Talent and Inclusion Scholarship (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).
2012 - Academic Excellence Scholarship (MINEDUC).
COC3527 - Advanced Design of Steel Structures (Lecturer, Universidad Diego Portales)
ICE3753 - Earthquake-Resistant Design of Innovative Systems (Assistant lecturer, PUC)
IEG3520 - Seismic Isolation (Assistant lecturer, PUC)
IEG3530 - Energy Dissipation (Assistant lecturer, PUC)
Matías Hidalgo (2022). Nonlinear modeling of a 3-story CLT structure considering the effect of connector degradation.
Oscar Quezada (2021). Numerical assessment of a rocking isolation system in a high voltage substation equipment.
Rodrigo Barrera (2021). Numerical modeling of unbonded high-damping rubber under large compressive strains.
Ariel Araya (2020). Seismic performance assessment of a vertical-rocking isolation system in a 3-story CLT structure.
Nelson Fernandez (2022). Modeling of a 3D isolation system for electrical equipment. Co-supervision. Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. José Luis Almazán.
Invention patent, “Device and system for three-dimensional isolation of vibrations” (Initial PCT No. WO2020047684 and then registered in Chile under No. CL2021000412A1).
[9] Reyes, S. I., Lopez, E. L., Vassiliou, M. F.* (2024). Validation of a three-dimensional finite element constitutive modeling approach for a thermoplastic polyurethane calibrated with uniaxial tests. Engineering Structures.
[8] Tapia, N. F., Reyes, S. I.*, Vassiliou, M. F., Almazán, J. L. (2024). Development of a pressure-, velocity,- and acceleration-dependent phenomenological friction model using experimental data of sliding tests between 11 polymers and stainless steel. Engineering Structures.
[7] Reyes, S. I., Vassiliou, M. F.*, Konstantinidis, D. (2024). Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling of thermoplastic polyurethane under complex uniaxial loading. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.
[6] Zhang, Z., Vassiliou, M. F., Zhou, Y., Reyes, S. I., Konstantinidis, D. (2024). Experimental and numerical studies on thick rubber bearings under uniaxial and offset tensile loading. Journal of Structural Engineering.
[5] Katsamakas, A., Del Giudice, L., Reyes, S. I., Candebat-Sanchez, D., Vassiliou, M. F.* (2023). Experimental and numerical assessment of grout-filled tennis balls as seismic isolation bearings. Engineering Structures.
[4] Tapia, N. F.*, Almazán, J. L., Valdevenito, N., Reyes, S. I. (2023). Experimental validation of an energy-dissipating anchoring system for continuously-supported storage tanks. Structures.
[3] Moreno, M., Colombo, J. I.*, Wilches, J., Reyes, S. I., Almazán, J. L. (2023). Buckling of steel tanks under earthquake loading: Code provisions vs FEM comparison. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.
[2] Reyes, S. I.*, Almazán, J. L., Vassiliou, M. F., Tapia, N. F., Colombo, J. I., & de la Llera, J. C. (2022). Full-scale shaking table test and numerical modeling of a 3000-liter legged storage tank isolated with a vertical rocking isolation system. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics.
[1] Reyes, S.I.* & Almazán, J. L. (2020). A novel device for a vertical rocking isolation system with uplift allowed for industrial equipment and structures. Engineering Structures.
(12) Reyes, S. I., Vassiliou, M. F., Agathos, K., Konstantinidis, D. (2024). Numerical and Experimental Advancements in Rolling Isolation Systems using Elastomeric Spheres. In 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE), Milan, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2024.
(11) Reyes, S. I., Lopez, E. L., Vassiliou, M. F., Konstantinidis, D. (2024). Modeling of a Thermoplastic-Polyurethane and its Potential for Energy Dissipation Devices. In 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE), Milan, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2024.
(10) Reyes, S. I., Almazán, J. L., Vassiliou, M. F., Tapia, N. F., Colombo, J. I., & de la Llera, J. C. (2024). Vertical-Rocking Isolation: Full-Scale Shaking Table Tests and Modeling of a 3,000-liter Storage Tank. In 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (18WCEE), Milan, Italy, June 30-July 5, 2024.
(9) Reyes, S. I., Vassiliou, M. F.(2023). Recent Advancements in Rolling Isolation Systems Using Elastomeric Spheres: Numerical and Experimental Results. In 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation, and Active Vibration Control of Structures (18WCSI), Antalya, Turkey, November 6-10, 2023.
(8) Reyes, S. I., Katsamakas, A., Vassiliou, M. (2023). Vibration isolation capabilities of a low-cost seismic isolation system based on elastomeric rolling spheres for masonry structures. RILEM Bookseries (Vol. 47, pp. 815–823). Springer Nature Switzerland. In 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2023), Kyoto, Japan, September 12-15, 2023.
(7) Reyes, S. I., Vassiliou, M., Agathos, K., Konstantinidis, D. (2023). Finite element modeling of the rolling behavior of a polyurethane sphere for low-cost seismic isolation applications. In 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2023), Athens, Greece, June 12-14, 2023.
(6) Reyes, S. I., Vassiliou, M. F., Agathos, K., Konstantinidis, D. (2022). Effects of two testing protocols on the material model parameter identification for rubber-like materials. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology, Bucharest, Romania.
(5) Reyes, S. I., Almazán, J. L., Colombo, J. I., Tapia, N. F., de la Llera, J. C. (2020). Shaking table test on full-scale legged liquid storage tanks protected with a vertical-rocking isolation system. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
(4) Guzman, E., Ramirez, V., Macias, J., Almazán, J. L., Reyes, S. I. (2020). Best retrofit based on energy dissipation for a building subjected to various strong earthquakes. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
(3) Ramirez, V., Guzman, E., Macias, J., Almazán, J. L., Reyes, S. I. (2020). Analysis of the behavior of a flexible building with seismic isolation in various interfaces. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
(2) Ramirez, V., Guzman, E., Macias, J., Almazán, J. L., Reyes, S. I. (2020). Analysis of energy dissipation in series and parallel. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.
(1) Reyes, S. I. & Almazán, J. L. (2019). A three-dimensional isolation system with uplift allowed for industrial structures, XII Chilean Congress of Seismology and Seismic Engineering ACHISINA, Valdivia, Chile.