News & Events
Invited talk: Bayesian Growth Models for Corrosion on Oil and Gas Pipelines


Dr. Wenxing Zhou
Assistant Prof., Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
The University of Western Ontario, CANADA


Time: 2013-9-9, 10:00-11:15
Venue: B206
Chair: Dr. Kaoshan Dai


Outline :
Oil and gas pipelines are critical infrastructures in a modern society.  Their safe and reliable operation has important social-economical implications. Metal-loss corrosion is a significant threat to the structural integrity of pipelines. Central to the pipeline corrosion management is realistic corrosion growth modeling, as overly conservative growth models lead to unnecessary maintenance actions that are very costly, whereas non-conservative models may lead to critical corrosion defects being missed and failure of the pipeline. This presentation will focus on the application of Bayesian methodologies in the pipeline corrosion growth modeling based on inspection data.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Zhou obtained his BEng, MEng and PhD from Tongji University, Tsinghua University and the University of Western Ontario in 1993, 1996 and 2000, respectively.  He joined the University of Western Ontario as a faculty member in 2009. His main research interest is integrity management of energy pipelines.  Prior to that, he was manager of Pipeline Integrity at C-FER Technologies. While in C-FER, he co-authored the Reliability-based Design and Assessment (RBDA) guidelines for onshore natural gas pipelines, which have been adopted in the current edition of the Canadian pipeline standard, CSA Z662-07.


You are all welcome!