欧盟联合研究中心ELSA实验室Artur Pinto博士学术报告会
发布时间:2010-06-12        浏览次数:951

      Research official at ELSA Laboratory, Joint Research Centre, European Commision, Ispra (VA), Italy. He has been involved in earthquake engineering research since 1983 teaching at the University of Lisbon and developing research activities at the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. He joined the JRC in 1988 and is presently Action Leader for SAFECONSTRUCTION. He has over 150 scientific publications. He has coordinated and/or participated in several International research projects and is the JRC responsible for the Eurocodes.

报告题目:JRC-ELSA activities related to safety and structures under service, earthquake and blast loading.
    Recent research activities carried out at the JRC in the field of structures subjected to earthquake and blast loading will be presented. This comprises experimental reference large-scale tests and numerical simulations aiming at technological development, code calibration and development of design and assessment guidelines. Present and near future opportunities to further advance knowledge on earthquake behavior and performance of structures are depicted. Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD) and Risk Assessment are recalled in view of the definition of structural testing procedures and protocols and also in view of the type of tests required. The importance of non-structural components is highlighted.
    Some tests performed at ELSA in support of the European Design Code (Eurocode 8) and on assessment and retrofit of existing structures are summarized. As examples of more advanced testing technique, Pseudo-dynamic tests with nonlinear substructuring carried out on bridges, are illustrated. The contribution and role of Large-scale testing to the challenging development and implementation of PBSD are addressed.
报告主持人:陈世鸣 教授

联系地址:上海市四平路1239号同济大学土木大楼B座  电话:021-65982666   传真:021-65982668  邮箱:ddms@tongji.edu.cn   邮编:200092

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