Fire Resistant Design of Steel Building Structures: Role of Gravity Columns
发布时间:2013-09-13        浏览次数:1497

报告人( Speaker):

Dr. Amit H. Varma
Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
Purdue University, USA

时间 (Time): 2013年9月17日(周二)9:30-10:30
地点(Venue): 土木大楼B504
主持人( Chair):蒋欢军  教授

报告简介 (Outline) :
This presentation will discuss the stability and collapse behavior of steel building structures exposed to design fire scenarios. The focus will be on steel buildings designed according to US codes and standards. The fire induced collapse of 3D building structures was simulated numerically, which highlighted the importance and role of gravity columns. Consequently, the strength and stability of steel columns under fire loading was evaluated numerically, and then validated experimentally. A unique experimental procedure was designed to conduct fire (elevated temperature) tests in a structural laboratory, which will also be presented along with the findings and design recommendations that can preclude stability failure of steel buildings.

报告人简介 (About the Speaker) :
Dr. Varma is an associate professor and university faculty scholar in the school of civil engineering at Purdue University. He is the chair of committee on composite construction in ASCE, member of task committee 5–composite construction in AISC, member of ACI committee 335 – composite and hybrid systems, and chairperson of TG06 - extreme loads in SSRC. He received his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Bombay in 1994. He completed his Ph.D. in civil engineering (structures) from Lehigh University in 2001. He has been a faculty member at Purdue University since 2004.

He has conducted fundamental experimental and analytical research on the behavior of structural components and systems under various loading conditions. His areas of research interest include: (1) Experimental evaluation, analysis and design of innovative modular composite structures for nuclear power facilities; (2) Experimental and analytical investigations of the fire behavior of steel, concrete, and composite structures; (3) Large-scale static and dynamic testing of conventional and innovative structural systems and components; (4) Seismic behavior, model-based simulation, and performance-based design of structural systems; (5) Repair, retrofit, and rehabilitation of damaged or deteriorating transportation structures.

You are all welcome!


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