Hybrid Simulation and Performance-based Earthquake Engineering
Time (时间):9:00~11:00, 14:00~16:00, Dec.19
9:00~11:00, 14:00~16:00, Dec.20, 2013
Venue (地点):结构所抗震楼201室(大礼堂后振动台试验室)
Presenter (报告人):Prof. Khalid M. Mosalam
Chair (主持人): 陈世鸣,卢文胜 教授
This seminar starts with the basics of hybrid simulation, which includes the theory behind the method as well
as an overview of the previous research related to various aspects of the method, namely substructuring,
integration methods, simulation errors, geographically distributed hybrid simulation and real time hybrid
simulation. Subsequently, the presentation covers three recent developments aimed towards faster computations
and more accurate execution of real-time hybrid simulations (RTHS). The seminar concludes with brief
discussion related to a large-scale hybrid simulation test of a reinforced concrete (RC) bridge column-superstructure subassembly which is planned to take place at the Structures Laboratory at the University
of California, Berkeley.
Performance-based seismic design (PBSD) explicitly evaluates how a building is likely to perform, given the
potential hazard it is likely to experience, considering uncertainties inherent in the quantification of potential
hazard and uncertainties in assessment of the actual building response. It permits design of new buildings or
upgrade of existing buildings with a realistic understanding of the risk of casualties, occupancy interruption,
and economic loss that may occur as a result of future earthquakes.
About the presenter:
Prof. Mosalam obtained his BS and MS from Cairo University. In 1996, he earned his PhD from Cornell
University in Structural Engineering. In 1997, he joined the faculty of the Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, UCB where he is currently a professor and recently completed a 6-year term as the department
vice-chair. He conducts research on the performance and health monitoring of structural systems of concrete,
masonry, and wood subjected to extreme loads. He is active in the areas of assessment and rehabilitation of
essential facilities such as bridges and electrical substations. His research approach covers large-scale
computations (deterministic and probabilistic) and physical testing including hybrid simulations. Prof. Mosalam
is the recipient of the 2006 ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize with citation: “For advanced
computational research integrated with large experiments to solve practical structural engineering problems.”
Because of his international collaboration for seismic safety and regulations of low cost housing in Morocco,
Mosalam was awarded the 2013 UCB Chancellor award for Public Services. Mosalam is active in the area of
building energy efficiency and sustainability.
You are all welcomed!
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