2018年4月25日 Rich Henry 学术讲座
发布时间:2018-04-23        浏览次数:1022

Design of Seismic Resilient Buildings
in New Zealand

报告人( Speaker):

Rick Henry

Senior Lecturer

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University Auckland


时间 (Time):

2018年4月25日 15:30-17:00



主持人( Chair):

周颖 教授


报告简介 (Outline) :

Recent earthquakes in New Zealand have resulted in a significant change to structural design practice. The 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes highlighted the challenges in assessing and repairing modern ductile concrete buildings. In 2016, the Kaikoura earthquake highlighted the vulnerability of flexible multi-storey concrete frame buildings, with widespread damage to precast concrete floors. The difficulty in repairing damaged earthquake buildings and the expectations of building owner and occupants have resulted in a surge in seismic resilient construction implementing low-damage structural systems. Examples of recently implemented buildings will be presented, focusing on low-damage concrete buildings with post-tensioned rocking walls.


Despite being based on extensive research and development, there is still much to learnabout the design of such low-damage buildings. One aspect that requires additional attention is the interactions between structural components. Displacement compatibility between components needs to be considered during the design process and appropriate connection details implemented. Research into the performance of innovative wall-to-floor connections will be presented, including large-scale experimental tests and numerical modelling of tested buildings. This research has lead to the design of a 2-storey low-damage concrete wall building that will be tested at Tongji University as part of a joint ILEE-QuakeCoRE research project.


报告人简介 (About the Speaker) :

Rick Henry is a senior lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineeringat the University of Auckland. His areas of research include the seismic design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, precast concrete construction, and low-damage seismic design. He received his BE (Civil) and PhD from the University of Auckland. Rick is a technical committee member of the New Zealand Concrete Structures Standard (NZS 3101), a council member of the New Zealand Concrete Society, deputy leader of QuakeCoRE Flagship Project 4 (Next-generation Infrastructure) and leader of QuakeCoRE Technology Platform 1 (Large-scale Laboratory Facilities).


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