Zheng LU

Post:Dr. Professor


Tel : (+86-21)65986186

E-mai l: luzheng111@tongji.edu.cn

Address : Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,
       1239 Siping road, Shanghai, 200092, People's Republic of China


  • 2000/09-2004/07    Specialty in Civil Engineering for B.S. Degree at Tongji University, Shanghai, China

  • 2004/09-2011/02    Major in Structural Engineering for Ph.D. Degree at Tongji University, Shanghai, China (Supervisor: Prof. Xilin Lu)

  • 2007/09-2009/09    Major in Structural Engineering as a visiting scholar at University of Southern California, USA (Co-supervisor: Prof Sami F. Masri)

  • 2011/03-2013.11, Lecturer, Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji University

  • 2013/12-2017.12, Associate Professor, Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji University

  • 2017/12-now, Professor, Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Tongji Universit

  • 2012/12-now, Supervisor for Master Degree Candidates

  • 2015/01-now, Supervisor for PhD Degree Candidates

Honors & Prizes

  1. Excellent Student of Tongji University (2002-2005)

  2. Excellent Bachelor Dissertation of Tongji University (2004)

  3. Scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (2007.9-2009.9)

  4. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tongji University (2011)

  5. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Shanghai (2013)

  6. Science and Technology Progress Award, 3rd grade (3) from China State Shipbuilding Corporation (2016)

Research Interests

  1. Structural vibration control based on particle damping technology

  2. Seismic capacity of high-rise buildings

  3. Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures

  4. Seismic evaluation and retrofit of exist structures

Research Projects

  1. 2015-2018, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Projects, Project title: Studies of vibration control effects of particle tuned mass damper system in structural engineering (PI)

  2. 2012-2014, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Projects for Young Scholars, Project title: Particle damping mechanism and preliminary studies on its application in civil engineering (PI)

  3. 2009-2012, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Key Project, Project title: Study on the Damage Mechanism and Evolution Process of Super Tall Buildings under Strong Earthquakes

  4. Reviewer for more than 20 SCI-indexed journals: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Engineering Structures, Mechanism and Machine Theory, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME,The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journal, etc.

Selected Publications

1. Zheng Lu, Sami F. Masri* and Xilin Lu. Parametric studies of the performance of particle dampers under harmonic excitation. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 18(1):79-98. 

2. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu* and Sami F. Masri. Studies of the performance of particle dampers under dynamic loads. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 329(26):5415-5433.

3. Zheng Lu, Sami F. Masri* and Xilin Lu. Studies of the performance of particle dampers attached to a two-degree-of-freedom system under random excitation, Journal of Vibration and Control. 17(10):1454-1471.

4. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu*, Wensheng Lu and Sami F. Masri. Shaking table test of the effects of multi-unit particle dampers attached to an MDOF system under earthquake excitation, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 41(5):987-1000.

5. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu*, Wensheng Lu and Sami F. Masri. Experimental studies of the effects of buffered particle dampers attached to a multi-degree-of-freedom system under dynamic loads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(9):2007-2022.

6. Zheng Lu, Dianchao Wang and Peizhen Li*. Comparison study of vibration control effects between suspended tuned mass damper and particle damper. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2014, Article ID 903780, 7 pages.

7. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu, Huanjun Jiang* and Sami F. Masri. Discrete element method simulation and experimental validation of particle damper system. Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer Aided Engineering and Software. 31(4):810-823.

8. Zheng Lu, Xiaoyi Chen, Xilin Lu* and Zi Yang. Shaking table test and numerical simulation of an RC frame-core tube structure for earthquake-induced collapse. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 45(9):1537-1556.

9. Zheng Lu*, Dianchao Wang, Sami F. Masri and Xilin Lu. An experimental study of vibration control of wind-excited high-rise buildings using particle tuned mass dampers. Smart Structures and Systems. 18(1):93-115.

10. Zheng Lu, Xiaoyi Chen, Dingchang Zhang and Kaoshan Dai*. Experimental and analytical study on the performance of particle tuned mass dampers under seismic excitation. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 46(5):697-714.

11. Zheng Lu, Xiaoyi Chen, Xiaowei Li and Peizhen Li*. Optimization and application of multiple tuned mass dampers in the vibration control of pedestrian bridges. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 62(1):55-64.

12. Kaoshan Dai, Jianze Wang, Refeng Mao, Zheng Lu* and Shen-En Chen. Experimental investigation on dynamic characterization and seismic control performance of a TLPD system. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 26(7): e1350.

13. Zheng Lu, Dianchao Wang and Ying Zhou*. Experimental parametric study on wind-induced vibration control of particle tuned mass damper on a benchmark high-rise building. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 26(8): e1359.

14. Xilin Lu, Zhongpo Liu and Zheng Lu*. Optimization design and experimental verification of track nonlinear energy sink for vibration control under seismic excitation, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 24(12):e2033.

15. Zheng Lu, Xiangdong He and Ying Zhou*. Studies on damping behavior of vertically mixed structures with upper steel and lower concrete substructures. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 26(17): e1392.

16. Zheng Lu, Xiangdong He, Ying Zhou*. Discrete element method based collapse simulation, validation and application to frame structures. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2017.1373133

17. Zheng Lu*, Zixin Wang, Sami F. Masri and Xilin Lu. Particle Impact Dampers: Past, Present, and Future, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(1):e2058.

18. Zheng Lu, Xiaoyi Chen and Ying Zhou*. An equivalent method for optimization of particle tuned mass damper based on experimental parametric study, Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.05.048.

19. Jianbao Li, Yan Wang, Zheng Lu* and Bing Xia. Shaking table test and numerical simulation of a superimposed reinforced concrete shear wall structure. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 27(2): e1412.

20. Jianbao Li, Lu Wang, Zheng Lu*, Yan Wang. Experimental study of L-shaped precast RC shear walls with middle cast-in-situ joint, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. DOI: 10.1002/tal.1457

21. Weixing Shi, Liangkun Wang, Zheng Lu*. Study on self-adjustable tuned mass damper with variable mass, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 25(3):e2114.

22. Zheng Lu, Biao Huang, Ying Zhou*. Theoretical study and experimental validation on the energy dissipation mechanism of particle dampers, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. DOI: 10.1002/stc.2125.

23. Zheng Lu, Biao Huang, Qi Zhang, Xilin Lu*. Experimental and analytical study on vibration control effects of eddy-current tuned mass dampers under seismic excitations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.10.035.

24. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu, Wensheng Lu and Sami F. Masri. Shaking table test of the effects of particle dampers attached to a multi-degree-of-freedom system. Part 1: experimental study. 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Leuven, Belgium, 4-6 July 2011.

25. Zheng Lu, Xilin Lu, Wensheng Lu and Weiming Yan. An experimental investigation into the use of buffered particle dampers. 15th World Conference On Earthquake Engineering, 15WCEE, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 September, 2012.

26. Zheng Lu, Dingchang Zhang, Xiaoyi Chen, Xilin Lu, An experimental investigation into the use of particle tuned mass damper, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January, 2017.