Associate Professor, Ph.D
Ph. D Supervisor (Disaster Prevention Mitigation and Protection Engineering)
Email: liyuxie@tongji.edu.cn
Website: vibcon.tongji.edu.cn
Office:Room B508, Building of Civil Engineering, Siping Road 1239,Shanghai
Tel: 021-6598-2390 Fax: 021-6598-3410
Research Fields
Structural health monitoring
Earthquake-resistant technology and disaster prevention
Passive smart sensor
Information-based management and maintenance
Educational Background
2005-2009, Ph.D, School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University, Japan
2003-2005, Master, School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University, Japan
2000-2003, Master of Science, Engineering Mechanics, Tongji University, China
1996-2000, Bachelor of Science, Engineering Mechanics, Tongji University, China
Employment History
2019-present, Assistant Professor, Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University.
2009-2019, Assistant Professor, Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University.
2008.8-2009.3 Research Assistant, Project of Global COE Symbiotic, Safe and Secure System Design, Keio University, Japan.
Principal Investigator
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on sensing principles of passive sensors based on unstressed patch antennas and monitoring methodology of deformation in structures(52078375), 2021-2024
National Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, Vibration mitigation mechanism and experiments study of self-balanced inerters (20ZR1461800), 2020-2023
Top Discipline Plan of Shanghai Universities-Class I, Passive and wireless smart-aggregate, 2022-2024
考虑滞回非线性隔震结构的系统识别方法研究(教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金) ,2011~2013
Professional Affiliations
Journal Papers (From 2018)
Li X, Xue S, Xie L*, Wan G, Wan C. An off-center fed patch antenna with overlapping sub-patch for simultaneous crack and temperature sensing. Smart Materials and Structures. 2022;31(9)
Yi Z, Xue S, Xie L*, Wan G. Detection of setting time in cement hydration using patch antenna sensor. Structural Control & Health Monitoring. 2022;29(1).
Zhang L, Xue S, Zhang R, Hao L, Pan C, Xie L. A novel crank inerter with simple realization: Constitutive model, experimental investigation and effectiveness assessment. Engineering Structures. 2022;262.
Wan G, Li M, Zhang M, Kang L, Xie L. A Novel Information Fusion Method of RFID Strain Sensor Based on Microstrip Notch Circuit. Ieee Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022;71.
Wan C, Zheng Z, Xue S, Xie L*, Wan G. An angle sensor based on a sector ring patch antenna for bolt loosening detection. Smart Materials and Structures. 2022;31(4).
Wan C, Xie L*, Li L, Xue S, Tang H, Zhang L. Experimental study and numerical simulation of all-steel buckling-restrained brace with distributed inspection windows. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 2022;31(7).
Zhang L, Xue S, Zhang R*, Xie L, Hao L. Simplified multimode control of seismic response of high-rise chimneys using distributed tuned mass inerter systems (TMIS). Engineering Structures. 2021;228.
Xue S, Yi Z, Xie L*, Wan G. Double-frequency passive deformation sensor based on two-layer patch antenna. Smart Structures and Systems. 2021;27(6):969-82.
Xue S, Li X, Xie L*, Yi Z, Wan G. A bolt loosening detection method based on patch antenna with overlapping sub-patch. Structural Health Monitoring-an International Journal. 2021.
Wan Z, Yao Y, Xie L, Song C. Transverse Isotropic Criterion Based on Generalized Nonlinear Strength. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2021;21(8).
Wan Z, Song C, Xue S, Xie L. Elastoplastic Constitutive Model Describing Dilatancy Behavior of Overconsolidated Clay. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2021;21(3).
Wan Z, Liu Y, Cao W, Wang Y, Xie L, Fang Y. One kind of transverse isotropic strength criterion and the transformation stress space. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2021.
Wan G, Li M, Yang Y, Xie L, Chen L*. Patch-Antenna-Based Structural Strain Measurement Using Optimized Energy Detection Algorithm Applied on USRP. Ieee Internet of Things Journal. 2021;8(9):7476-84.
Wan G, Kang W, Wang C, Li W, Li M, Xie L, et al. Separating strain sensor based on dual-resonant circular patch antenna with chipless RFID tag. Smart Materials and Structures. 2021;30(1).
Zhou Z, Wan C, Fang D, Xie L, Tang H, Yang C, et al. Quasi-static macrostrain-based structural damage detection with distributed long-gauge fiber Bragg grating sensing. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2020;31(18):2137-51.
Yang P, Xue S, Xie L*, Cao M. Damping Estimation of an Eight-Story Steel Building Equipped with Oil Dampers. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2020;10(24).
Xue S, Zheng Z, Guan S, Xie L*, Wan G, Wan C. A Capacitively-Fed Inverted-F Antenna for Displacement Detection in Structural Health Monitoring. Sensors. 2020;20(18).
Xue S, Kang J, Xie L*, Zhang R, Ban X. Cross-Layer Installed Cable-Bracing Inerter System for MDOF Structure Seismic Response Control. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2020;10(17).
Xue S, Jiang K, Guan S, Xie L*, Wan G, Wan C. Long-Range Displacement Meters Based on Chipped Circular Patch Antenna. Sensors. 2020;20(17).
Xie L, Zhang L, Pan C, Zhang R*, Chen T. Uniform damping ratio-based design method for seismic retrofitting of elastoplastic RC structures using viscoelastic dampers. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020;128.
Wan C, Xie L*, Xu K, Xue S, Jiang C, Wan G, et al. Transverse deformation effect on sensitivity of strain-sensing patch antenna. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2020;16(3).
Wan C, Jiang H, Xie L, Yang C, Ding Y, Tang H, et al. Natural Frequency Characteristics of the Beam with Different Cross Sections Considering the Shear Deformation Induced Rotary Inertia. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2020;10(15).
Zhang R, Xue S, Xie L*, Zhang F, Lu W. Structural Monitoring and Safety Assessment during Translocation of Mahavira Hall of Jade Buddha Temple. Sustainability. 2019;11(19).
Yang Z, Xie Q, He C, Xie L*. Isolation design for slender ultra-high-voltage composite equipment using modal parameters considering multiple responses. Engineering Structures. 2019;200.
Xue S, Yi Z, Xie L*, Wan G, Ding T. A Passive Wireless Crack Sensor Based on Patch Antenna with Overlapping Sub-Patch. Sensors. 2019;19(19).
Xue S, Yi Z, Xie L*, Wan G, Ding T. A Displacement Sensor Based on a Normal Mode Helical Antenna. Sensors. 2019;19(17).
Xue S, Xu K, Xie L*, Wan G. Crack sensor based on patch antenna fed by capacitive microstrip lines. Smart Materials and Structures. 2019;28(8).
Xie L, Ban X, Xue S*, Ikago K, Kang J, Tang H. Theoretical Study on a Cable-Bracing Inerter System for Seismic Mitigation. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2019;9(19).
Tang H, Guo X, Xie L*, Xue S. Experimental Validation of Optimal Parameter and Uncertainty Estimation for Structural Systems Using a Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis Algorithm. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2019;9(22).
Xue S, Wen B, Huang R, Huang L, Sato T, Xie L, et al. Parameter identification for structural health monitoring based on Monte Carlo method and likelihood estimate. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2018;14(7).
Xie L, Zhou Z, Zhao L, Wan C, Tang H, Xue S*. Parameter Identification for Structural Health Monitoring with Extended Kalman Filter Considering Integration and Noise Effect. Applied Sciences-Basel. 2018;8(12).
Teaching Experience
Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures (in English), Graduate Courses
Building Mechanics (in English), Undergraduate Courses
Building Structures (in English), Undergraduate Courses
Informatization of Civil Engineering, Undergraduate Courses