PhD, Professor
Address: Room B513, Civil Eng. Bldg, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, China.
Education and Working Experience
2003–2007 Tongji Univ.,Civil Eng.,Bachelor
2007–2010 Tongji Univ.,Struct. Eng.,Master
2008–2009 Kumamoto Univ,Struct. Eng.,Exchange Master Student
2010–2013 The Univ. of Tokyo,Struct. Eng.,PhD
2013–2015 Meijo Univ.,Adv. Res. Center for Natural Disaser Risk Reduction,Post-doctor
2015–2018 Tongji Univ.,Dept. of Disaster Mitigation for Structures,Assistant Professor
2018–2023 Tongji Univ.,Dept. of Disaster Mitigation for Structures,Associate Professor
2023–Now Tongji Univ.,Dept. of Disaster Mitigation for Structures,Professor
Research Field
Metallic Meta-Material (e.g., Negative Poisson's Ratio Meta-Steel)
Steel Structures and Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
Multi-Scale Study of Metal Fracture
Seismic Dampers and Isolators
Low-Damage Structural Systems with Brittle Materials
AI-Aided Structural Design
Tso Kung Hsieh Award for best paper published in the journal of Structures & Buildings (2018), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), London, United Kindom
Distinguished Paper Award (2018), 10th China Earthquake Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China
CIDECT President’s Award for Research (2010), 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS13), Hongkong, China
Excellent Graduate Student Award (2010), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
China Scholarship Council Scholarship (2010), Chinese Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship (2008), Japanese Ministry of Education, Tokyo, Japan
Excellent Graduate Student Award (2007), Shanghai Government, Shanghai, China
2nd Prize in Lightness of Steel Bridge Competition in ASCE Southeast Student Conference (2007), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Nashville, USA
3rd Prize in Geowall Competition in ASCE Southeast Student Conference (2007), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Nashville, USA
Excellent Thesis Award (2007), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
First Prize of 1st Student Innovation Training Program (2007), Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Funded Grants
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Program), No. 51508401, Effect of manufacturing methods on post-buckling fracture mechanisms of steel CHS using a micro-mechanics based fracture model, 2016-2018, PI
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No. 0500219213, Shear performance of steel-ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) stud connectors, 2015-2016, Co-PI
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No. 0500219248, Fundermental research on steel-UHPC composite structures using prefabricated stud connectors, 2017-2018, Co-PI
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Research on control accuracy and dynamic characteristics of hydraulic joint robot, 2018-2019, Co-PI
Science Foundation for the Youth Tallents of Tongji University, No. 0200219163, Fracture mechanism of steel tubular members under large plastic cyclic loading, 2016-2018, PI
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, No. 0200219261, Structural seismic reduction and anti-blast performance of sandwich plates with negative Poisson's ratio, 2018, PI
China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS) standard editoring for Green building materials evaluation-steel members in steel buildings, 2017-2018, PI
Research Funds for Youth Scholars of Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction, Post-buckling fracture mechanism of steel bracings, 2015-2018, PI
Structural Engineers, (Editorial Editor of the Journal)
2016 Seminar of Structural Engineering Young Researchers studied in Japan, Jul. 3-4, 2016, Nanjing, China. (Session Chairman)
15th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Oct. 11-13, 2017, Xi'An, China. (Session Chairman)
International Workshop on Performance-Based Seismic Design of Structures: Resilience, Robustness, Oct. 12-15, 2017, Shanghai, China. (Organizing Committee)
5th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Young Scholars across the Taiwan Strait, Nov. 17-19, 2017, Shanghai, China. (Organizing Committee)
15th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Oct. 11-13, 2017, Xi'An, China. (Scientific Committee)
5th Symposium on Aseismic and Seismic Reduction of Engineering Structures, Nov. 17-19, 2017, Shanghai, China. (Organizing Committee)
3rd National Conference on Young Scholars of Infrastructure Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Jun. 8-10, 2018, Dalian, China. (Scientific Committee of Young Scholars)
5th Young Scholar Salon of Structural Engineering in the Yangtze River Delta Region, Jun. 15-16, 2018, Nanjing, China. (Session Chairman)
The 1st National Conference on New Civil Construction Materials and New Structural Systems, 2018, Xi’an, China. (Session Chairman)
10th China Earthquake Engineering Conference, Aug. 22-25, 2018, Shanghai, China. (Organizing Committee)
Journal Publication
L-J Jia; Y Dong; HB Ge; K Kondo; P Xiang (2019). Experimental study on high-performance buckling-restrained braces with perforated core plates. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 19(1), 1940004.
L-J Jia; HB Ge; P Xiang; Y Liu (2018). Seismic performance of fish-bone shaped buckling-restrained braces with controlled damage process. Engineering Structures, 169:141-153.
L-J Jia; R-W Li, P Xiang; D-Y Zhou; Y Dong (2018). Resilient steel frames installed with self-centering dual-steel buckling-restrained brace. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 149:95-104.
P Xiang; M Shi; L-J Jia; M Wu; CL Wang (2018). Constitutive model of aluminum under variable-amplitude cyclic loading and its application to buckling-restrained braces. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 30(3):04017304.
L.J. Jia; P Xiang; M Wu; A Nishitani (2018). Swing story–lateral force resisting system connected with dampers: novel seismic vibration control system for building structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 144(2):04017159.
Y Liu; L-J Jia; HB Ge; T Kato; T Ikai (2017). Ductile-fatigue transition fracture mode of welded T-joints under quasi-static cyclic large plastic strain loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 176(5):38-60.
L-J Jia; HB Ge; R Maruyama; K Shinohara (2017). Development of a novel high-performance all-steel fish-bone shaped buckling-restrained brace. Engineering Structures, 138:105-119.
J Wang; J Guo; L-J Jia; S Chen; Y Dong (2017). Push-out tests of demountable headed stud shear connectors in steel-UHPC composite structures. Composite Structures, 170:69-79.
K Ke; Y Chen; L-J Jia (2017). Damage-control evaluation of high-strength steel frames with energy dissipation bays. Structures & Buildings, 170(9):677-692.
Y Chen; L Pan; L-J Jia (2017). Post-buckling ductile fracture analysis of panel zones in welded steel beam-to-column connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 132:117-129.
L-J Jia; T Ikai; HB Ge; S Hada (2017). Seismic performance of compact beam–column connections with welding defects in steel bridge piers. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE),22(4):04016137.
L-J Jia; T Ikai; K Shinohara; HB Ge (2016). Ductile crack initiation and propagation of structural steels under cyclic combined shear and normal stress loading. Construction and Building Materials, 112:69-83.
L-J Jia; HB Ge; K Shinohara; H Kato (2016). Experimental and numerical study on ductile fracture of structural steels under combined shear and tension. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 21(5):04016008.
L-J Jia; T Ikai; K Shinohara; L Kang; HB Ge; T Kato (2016). Ductile cracking simulation procedure for welded joints under monotonic tension. Structural Engineering & Mechanics, 60(1):51-69.
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2015). Ductile fracture model for structural steel under cyclic large strain loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106:110-121.
Z Zhou; L-J Jia (2015). Damage index for crack initiation of structural steel under cyclic loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 114:1-7.
L-J Jia; HB Ge; T Suzuki; X Luo (2015). Experimental study on cracking of thick-walled welded beam-column connections with incomplete penetration in steel bridge piers. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 20(4):04014072.
HB Ge; L-J Jia; L Kang; T Suzuki (2014). Experimental study on seismic performance of partial penetration welded steel beam-column connections with different fillet radii. Steel & Composite Structures, 17(6):851-865.
L-J Jia (2014). Integration algorithm for a modified Yoshida-Uemori model to simulate cyclic plasticity in extremely large plastic strain ranges up to fracture. Computers & Structures, 145:36-46.
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2014). Prediction of cyclic behaviors of mild steel at large plastic strain using coupon test results. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(2):441-454.
L-J Jia; H Kuwamura (2014). Ductile fracture simulation of structural steels under monotonic tension. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(5):472-482.
L-J Jia; T Koyama; H Kuwamura (2014). Experimental and numerical study of postbuckling ductile fracture of heat-treated SHS stub columns. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(7):165-180.
L-J Jia; HB Ge; T Suzuki (2014). Effect of post weld treatment on cracking behaviors of beam-column connections in steel bridge piers. Steel & Composite Structures, 17(5):685-704.
L-J Jia; Y Chen (2014). Evaluation of elastic in-plane flexural rigidity of unstiffened multiplanar CHS X-joints. International Journal of Steel Structures, 14(1):23-30.
L-J Jia; T Koyama; H Kuwamura (2013). Prediction of cyclic large plasticity for prestrained structural steel using only tensile coupon tests. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 7(4):466-476.
Invited Lectures
A new negative poisson’s ratio configuration and experimental study on its mechanical properties. The 1st National Conference on New Civil Construction Materials and New Structural Systems, 2018, Xi’an, China.
Development of shear buckling-restrained braces. 4th Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, 2018, Shanghai, China.
Development of high-performance metallic dampers using mesoscopic ductile fracture model. 3rd National Conference on Young Scholars of Infrastructure Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering, Jun. 8-10, 2018, Dalian, China.
Proposals of new metallic dampers based on ductile fracture mechanics. Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2017, Xi’an, China.
Mesoscopic ductile fracture mechanics and its applications. Changan Univsersity, 2017, Xi’an, China.
Welcome to Graduate (Master & PhD) Studies at Tongji! Competent candidates can apply for Chinese Government scholarships. For details, please send a CV to the email: lj_jia@tongji.edu.cn, or send messages through Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lj_Jia