Ph.D., Associate Professor, Assistant Dean
Department of Disaster Mitigation for Structures, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China
Phone: +86-13817026780
E-mail: jzshan@tongji.edu.cn
B.A. in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 2008 (2004~2008)
Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, December 2012 (2008~2012)
Visiting scholar, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, (2010~2012)
Visiting scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA, March~June 2019
Self-sensing earthquake-resilient structures
Structural health monitoring: autonomous sensing and vision
Structural control: adaptive control and bio-inspired isolation
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on earthquake resilience and evaluation method for shear wall structures with self-sensing replaceable coupling beams, 51878483, 2019/01~2022/12
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on adaptive control and assessment for structural performance based on state-tracking, 51408435, 2014/01~2017/12
[1] Xilin Lu, Qi Zhang, Weichao Wu, Jiazeng Shan*. Data‐Driven Two‐Level Performance Evaluation of Eddy‐Current Tuned Mass Damper for Building Structures Using Shaking Table and Field Testing. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019. 34: 38-57.
[2] Jiazeng Shan, Yuting Ouyang, Weixing Shi. Adaptive control of earthquake‐excited nonlinear structures with real‐time tracking on prescribed performance criteria, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2018. 25: e2247.
[3] Jiazeng Shan, Zhiguo Shi, Fan Hu, Jian Yu, Weixing Shi. Stochastic optimal design of novel nonlinear base isolation system for seismic‐excited building structures, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2018. 25: e2168.
[4] Jiazeng Shan, Yuting Ouyang, Hanqing Zhang, Weixing Shi Model-reference damage tracking and evaluation of hysteretic structures with test validation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019. 118: 443-460.
[5] Zheng Lu, Kun Li, Yuting Ouyang, Jiazeng Shan*. Performance-based optimal design of tuned impact damper for seismically excited nonlinear building. Engineering Structures. 2018. 160: 314-327
[6] Xi Chen, Henry T Yang, Jiazeng Shan*, Paul K Hansma, and Weixing Shi. Bio-inspired passive optimized base-isolation system for seismic mitigation of building structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2016; 142(1), 04015061.
[7] Jiazeng Shan, Weixing Shi, and Xilin Lu*. Model reference health monitoring of hysteretic building structure using acceleration measurement with test validation. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016: 31, 449-464.
[8] Jiazeng Shan, Yuting Ouyang, Hongliang Yuan*, and Weixing Shi. Seismic data driven identification of linear models for building structures using performance and stabilizing objectives, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016. 31, 846-870
[9] Jiazeng Shan, Xi Chen, Hongliang Yuan, Weixing Shi*. Interstory drift estimation of nonlinear structure using acceleration measurement with test validation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2015; 141(10), 04015032.
[10] Henry T Yang, Jiazeng Shan*, Connor J Randall, Paul K Hansma, and Weixing Shi. Integration of health monitoring and control of building structures during earthquakes. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2014; 140(5), 04014013.
[11]Weixing Shi*, Jiazeng Shan, Xilin Lu. Modal identification of Shanghai World Financial Center both from free and ambient vibration response. Engineering Structures. 2012; 36: 14-26.
[12] Jiazeng Shan, Henry T. Yang*, Weixing Shi, Daniel Bridges, and Paul K. Hansma. Structural damage diagnosis using interstory drift based acceleration feedback with test validation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE. 2013; 139(9): 1185-1196.
[13] Jiazeng Shan, Weixing Shi*, Jin Wang. Regional study on structural dynamic property of buildings in China. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 2013; 42: 1013-1029.
[14] Fan Hu, Zhiguo Shi, Jiazeng Shan*. Optimal design of bio-inspired isolation systems using performance and fragility objectives. Structural Monitoring and Maintenance. 2018; 5(3): 325-343
[15] Xilin Lu, Cong Chen*, Yun Chen, and Jiazeng Shan. Application of replaceable coupling beams to RC structures. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 2016; 25: 947-966.